> Can I use gasoline to defrost my windshield?

Can I use gasoline to defrost my windshield?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
If you throw gasoline on the windscreen then it's going to work it's way down into the engine bay. Where it will vaporise and be in contact with hot engine parts and electrical systems. The gasoline will definitely damage the wrappings on the wiring loom if it makes direct contact and can rinse out protective lubricants on other parts. The gasoline may also soak into the sound muffling panels on the underside of the hood, where it can take a long time to fully dissipate.

In summary: DON'T! And if you did, stop and leave the car for at least 24 hours for the stuff to evaporate (far less if it wasn't so cold) and then put up with a car which is going to stink of fuel for weeks or even months.

Hi it is not wether the paint becomes damaged but would a spark cause a fire ball.

the stuff used in antifreeze to clear a wind screen can be purchased in most super markets in a spray can and kept in the house along with the cleaning products and taken out when you see that the car has a layer of frost on it.

Try exlaining to the fire dept. and your insurance company why you thought it was a good idea to pour gasoline on your car. i don't think it is a good idea at all... its probably illegal in some places just to protect people from wonderful ideas like this. If you must save 20 minutes in the morning, use de icer windshield washer fluid.

This question is so, "lacking logical thinking" that I am hesitant to respond. Losing points here.

Dosing your car with EXPLOSIVE GASOLINE is not only illegal, but EXTREMELY DANGEROUS!!!

There is SO many other substances to use that are safer and LEGAL to use. Plain water will work. Not hot, because that can crack a windshield or window. Any fluid that is not ice cold will work.

No way,just put some quite hot water in a coke bottle and pour over windows, that is what I do. I am a motor for 46 years.

If you would like to die in a car fire, yes this is an acceptable way to defrost your windows.

You must be one of those people that smoke while filling your car up at the service station.

Great plan, be sure to throw a match on it to speed up the process.

Why not run a hose from the exhaust to the interior to warm up the car faster.

Yes. If you set fire to it the whole car will get hot quickly. That will damage your paint though.

Sometimes I am running late somewhere and my car is frozen solid with icicles and everything. It can take up to 20 minutes to defrost the car to where it is borderline driveable.

Can I take a gallon of gasoline and douse my car in it to speed the process? I read about it on the internet. Will that damage my paint? That's what I'm concerned about.

all you need is a hot water bottle and leave it on the dashboard in the morning before you set off.

Nooooooooooooo...too dangerous.

You can use 91% isoprople alcohol drug your local pharmacy or drug store.

why dont you put a blanket over the winscreen at night ?

ya, fill up the washer bottle

Use warm, not hot, water.

