> Can I still drive my car that needs new rear rotors?

Can I still drive my car that needs new rear rotors?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Get new brakes and rotors! They are not expensive. Rotors are big hunks of shiny metal that your brake pads press onto when you step on the brake pedal. If the rotors are used and abused it can create divots and dings and warp the metal. Brake pads like a smooth surface.

Very dangerous, if your rear brakes are metal to metal. You'll also be causing more brake damage and driving up (no pun intended) the cost of repairs.

You'll damage the rotors. If they are dsmaged to the point that they can't be turned, you'll have to buy new ones. Spend some $ now or spend more $ later.

I think most people would add to Tony's statement,......until you die.

Brakes are perhaps THE MOST IMPORTANT part of your car. The car is made to move. So I'd say the most important thing is to stop the car.

You can easily keep driving, even with scraping, screaming, tears of pain and anguish coming from the rear brakes. YOu've still got the front brakes which do most of the stopping of the car.

BUT........(older guy wisdom coming now!) (Older guy wisdom from experience coming!!) you'll eventually have to replace the rear brake parts, and if you don't do them under normal circumstances, then you have to replace ALL of the rear brake parts, and that's not cheap. Usually, you can get brakes done for $150, if they're not badly worn, that is, just to replace the pads or shoes. But it the parts that hold the pads or shoes are worn, then you'll have to get new ones, and THEN it'll really shock you!!

I myself have driven brakes till they were nearly evaporated. Just let the scraping and grinding keep on going, I was always able to stop the car, I'll let it keep grinding and maybe it'll all go away.

Yeah, until the wheel nearly fell off because I wasted more than the brakes away!!

Brakes are made to be replaced, at least the serviceable parts. Regular maintenance and it keeps costs low and parts usable.

So you're just driving a ticking time bomb. Drive until something completely wears out or finally breaks. The brakes break....get it?? Yeah, I'm an out-of-work comedian.

Depends upon how long you want to keep driving it. Few weeks won't make that much difference, now that they're already grinding. But if you're gonna keep driving until you can't drive anymore, then you'll be endangering anyone who rides with you, since we've figured you're willing to easily put yourself in danger.

As the commercials always say, Be Safe not Sorry.

till your brakes fail

It screeches so I got it checked out. He said the rear pads and rotors need to be replaced. How dangerous is it to keep driving with it? I've been driving on it a couple of months.