> Can I fool the tires store so I can get warranty to paid for new tires?

Can I fool the tires store so I can get warranty to paid for new tires?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
How about a National Affordable Worn Tire Tread Redistribution Insurance Act? (ObamaTired)

Glad we are both living-up to our usernames !

I'll bet you think you would get new tires for nothing don't you? Wrong if you plan works the tire would be prorated and the price they use for prorating is the list price which you didn't pay I don't care what you think. And then there is the wear on the tire, it will clearly show signs of a alignment problem which would void the warranty. It's called the stupid tax and your going to pay it.

The warranty does not cover uneven wear, which is a maintenance/vehicle problem, not a fault of the tire.

You think you're the first guy to try to pull one on a tire store ?? Bite the bullet & get the car fixed...

How do you plan to explain the lack of tire rotation? You must prove tire rotation every 5M miles to qualify for the wear warranty.

That would be fraud. You have wasted 200 dollars because you were too cheap to do an alignment.

I just brought 200 dollars on each tires. I got four new one. Totals is 800 bucks. It has 80,000 miles warranty. I drove 20,000 miles on it already. Now on front both tires it's uneven worn. It's like 70 percent left on half side and 40 percent left on other half side. I know warranty won't be cover if it's uneven worn because of not alightment.

I am trying to figure out on how to make it all even worn so tires store won't know it's because I didn't do alighment. Can I take both tires out from rim then turn it around then put it back on same rim? My brother have a machine that can take tire out and then put it back on at his garage.

That way I keep checking the tires. Once it got all even worn out, I can take it to tires store and tell them it's worn out fast. I will do alightment at different store before go on this tires store. Will it work?

I don't want to waste 200 dollars if warranty can pay for new tires.