> Can I change a light bulb with the switch on?

Can I change a light bulb with the switch on?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
The problem is that I'm in a new apartment and I don't know whether the switch is on or off. All the switches are different

I don't think I've ever done it with the switch off, just nice to know the bulb is good right away so you don't have to climb up the ladder again or whatever.

Half the time I turn the switch on, other times not. I slightly prefer with the switch off but it really is not a big deal. I had a bulb explode in my bare hand once and it was not a problem - after all, you are not squeezing it.

Yes then label all of the switches in the breaker box.It will save frustration the next time something happens.

You can but you'll have to be careful. Wear a leather or heavy insulated glove (for heat) and be quick. Electricity is only applied to the base. Just to be absolutely sure, LOOK AWAY once you have the thread going. I have seen a light explodes when it came on for the first time. You don't want to get glass shower on your face.

The power circuit must be off before doing so with the light bulb

Yes, it will be at least 10 seconds before the bulb gets to hot to hold but be carefull

Familiarize yourself with the electrical breaker switch box. Shut it off there.

Yes--- but be sure to get Mexicans to help you. One to hold the bulb and one to turn the chair.

yes it is ok to change with the switch on

YES its fine to do it.............think about it....., if you put a new bulb in a refrig. or oven....its ON

The problem is that I'm in a new apartment and I don't know whether the switch is on or off. All the switches are different


Up is on.