> Bought crappy truck for 2500!!! Help!?

Bought crappy truck for 2500!!! Help!?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Check engine light could be too much city driving. Could be pcv valve. Learn to fix cars yourself and then make some money as a mechanic to recoop your loses.

Why anyone would buy a vehicle with that many known problems is beyond me. Congrats on buying scrap. You aren't getting a refund.

Lol scammed, idiot

well, try to sell it too, as it will almost cost more to repair than that crappy truck Would ever cost lol

You don't mention make, model, or year, but for all these issues you would be way ahead to google forums for the make and model. Forums often have some very experienced people, the gurus, who can help you get back into the sunshine. That will be especially true of the EGR codes (normally the passages have to be cleaned rather than the valve, but different strokes for different trucks) and the ABS. The support helps, too. And who knows... maybe the liquid coming out of the container means you should have a beer!


really sounds like good fun

youll be fine

talk to people and do a little research on line for specific issues

its amazing how much trouble shooting and problem fix help is on you tube and other pages these days

youll learn a bit as you go .. dont stress

so much you can do yourself

for instance, the mirror will be at a local wrecking yard or on ebay

the oil change could not be easier (worth doing immediately)

the rust could be a bigger deal but not impossible, once again have a look online


you could just resell it

You can fix it. Do the work yourself. Get to know the guys at the auto parts store. Besides that, you will learn a lot about how to take care of your truck.

Gosh Maria, most of what you list needs inspection and/or diagnosis before an estimate can be worked up. Didn't you inspect or drive this truck before you bought it?

maria.. its like eating a elephant. one bite at a time. get someone to help you set priorities and go from there; one thing at a time........

So i bought my first car/truck recently for 2500 from some redneck girl & her boyfriend. I was excited & didnt listen to my parents who told me to either wait or get the girl to drop the price. The girl wouldnt! & she's been trying to sell it or weeks.

I learned my lesson!!

Anyway i bought it like an idiot. It needs lots of repairs, including - check engine light (egr valve replacement), abs light (breaks) tail lights, front blinker light, the piece by the wipers on the hood, & its super rusty on the bottom, so i need to get a welder. Soon I'll need new tires & oil change, plus there is a light on that shows liquid coning out of a container. Whats this mean? AlSO i need a new battery!!! & a mirror on the right outside mirrors.

Can i please get an estimate of how much this will come to? ? Thoughts?

(Ps there are thousands of miles in the truck. I know i shouldnt if bought it, the girl wouldnt even go down on the price. I really wanna punch herrrr but i have no way to contact her anymore.)