> Bought a car from a used dealership and found rust holes in my frame which led to it snapping while i was driving. Any a

Bought a car from a used dealership and found rust holes in my frame which led to it snapping while i was driving. Any a

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
If you state has a vehicle safety inspection and it was done just prior to your purchase then you do have a case. You only mentioned that you bought the car from a dealer you failed to say when. The amount of time may be your downfall.

Yes, 99.99% of the time, you're stuck with a used car purchase: as-is, buyer beware.

In very extreme cases some buyers have successfully voided purchases on the basis of a vehicle being totally unsafe to drive......and/or unfit for the purpose intended. I guess it depends on how much the vehicle cost as to whether it's worth hiring a lawyer to fight it for you. You might check with your state police, highway patrol or such to see if there are any laws in your area requiring a vehicle to be safe.

As the old saying goes, if the car breaks in half on the way home, both halves are yours.

Not if you bought it "As Is".