> Beer Spilt On Car Engine..okay to drive?

Beer Spilt On Car Engine..okay to drive?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
The beer was chilllin on top of the engine as i plastidipped the grill, then someone shut the hood and the beer smashed and exploded, alcohols all over the engine. Is it safe to drive

Alcohol is almost as flammable as gasoline. I doubt beer is high enough proof to actually catch fire, but just to be safe, let it all dry out before you crank up the engine.

If you pour a beer on the BBQ grill that won't catch fire either.

The kids R/C car will never recover, woe is me...

The beer was not "chillin" on top of the engine.

The beer is a critical tool and must be treated with great care. A shop refrigerator is a must and a small ice box to bring it safely to the ground near the jobsite is recommended.

I hope you had enough respect to give it a decent burial.

It's SPILLED, not "spilt".

Don't worry about the beer, it won't cause any harm.

that wont be the only beer you spill in your life working on cars. didnt hurt anything but the concept of a 6 pack. its supposed to have 6 beers in it, not 5.

Its fine I powerwash engines sometimes. Never drink and Drive ;)

Yes you can drive.

yes, drive it, has not hurt anything!

The beer was chilllin on top of the engine as i plastidipped the grill, then someone shut the hood and the beer smashed and exploded, alcohols all over the engine. Is it safe to drive