> Bad smell coming from my car?

Bad smell coming from my car?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Once I went fishing, and I put Night Crawlers in my tackle box and forgot to remove them when I got home. It smelled like something awful when I got into the car one day, and it took me days to find out what it was.When I finally fount the worms, they had turned to liquid. But oh! Did they smell nad. Check for something dead somewhere in your car. If your heater core was leaking, it is an almost sickeningly sweet smell. So I doubt if that is your problem. But it doesn't hurt to check that too.

Try to do a search on Google, maybe that will work out

Hi usually old leaves off trees have fallen down inside the outside vents and rotted so now you have the stink.

Are you sure it doesn't smell like antifreeze?If it does smell like this,your heater core is probably leaking.Put your hand on the passenger side floorboard and see if its wet.If it is,the heater core will need to be replaced.If its not the heater core,a leaking evaporater core for the ac might be the cause.There's also the possibility that something has climbed in the duct work and died or left a surprise.Some vehicles have cabin air filters which can be changed.Its usually located behind or underneath the glovebox.This filter can leave some nasty smells if it isn't changed as part of a routine maintenance schedule.

Something died in your engine bay?.. gym socks in the boot? Moisture leaking into the car making it musty?

Does it only smell when it has been driven?..

Go over it with a black light. :)

I've had this very bad smell coming from my car for the past couple of weeks. It smells like bad milk or something, but nothing has been spilt in my car.

I've washed the car, i've put in car fresheners and everything and it still can be smelled.

Do you have any idea what it could be?