> Bad Car Can I go to court?

Bad Car Can I go to court?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
I have to question just how thorough of an inspection you did of the vehicle for this to all of a sudden just happen. IF your statement "I'm sure he knew this ****" is to be believed, then a basic examination of the vehicle would have revealed the issue. Before I even consider buying a used vehicle I check the fluids, start it and turn the A/C on max, let it idle for 10-15 minutes to see if the coolant relays and fans are working properly,look for visible leaks, take note of unusual smells/noises etc., drive it for 10 or 15 minutes on the highway at 60-70 MPH, at least 30 minutes in stop and go traffic, pull in a parking lot, turn the A/C on max to again try and make it overheat if there's an issue, take a good look around the car, inspect the tires, inspect the body, open the hood and again look for leaks. Things still happen but if you can replicate real world situations, before buying a used vehicle, it can save a lot of heartache!

Sure you can. Will you win. No. A used car is a used car. The person you bought if from would have had the same issues had he hung onto the car long enough. But then maybe he does not drive it much. 2-4 days is like saying YEARS. The car ran in his yard and when you left and returned home. The seller never gave you a warranty, or guarantee so once you are out of his driveway, you are out of his life. You did not give him a guarantee that you would not drive the vehicle HARD. And maybe just going that distance is hard on the car. You gambled on your ability to judge whether the car is any good. At 10 years, all cars need everything reinspected if you are going to drive it longer. I drive cars that are over 30 years old and yes they have had their illnesses but it is to be expected. If you don't expect it, welcome to reality.

Used car is buyer beware...I had a truck a friend of a friend asked to buy , the price was right, so I sold it.even though it was our only vehicle, I had a company vehicle for work, the guy didn't make it home something simple went wrong, he got a pull home fixed it, then that wonderful truck of ours lost an alternator and distributor went bad..in the first week and the guy told our mutual friend I sold him a bad truck...I just shake my head and wonder would that all have happened anyway to us. Old vehicles are on borrowed time unless you see a glued radiator tank or some cheap bandage on a hose...things happen...I always tell people to budget $1000 for repairs on any used car and take it straight to the shop or buy from a dealer that gives a warranty...

First, you would need to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that the seller knew this was going to happen. A 12 year old car is bound to start having mechanical problems, and it is the buyer's responsibility to have a pre-sale mechanical check.

Unless you can prove fraud you are out of luck. Fraud would have to be very obvious like sawdust in the transmission. This is a lesson in why you take a car to a trusted mechanic before you buy it to make sure it is okay.

The water pump and hoses are cheap, then turn off the light and see if it returns then turn around and sell it while it still tries to run.

Try autozone, they had the best prices last time one of those turds laid in my yard.

If you bought the car "as-is" forget hiring an attorney. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY REPAIRS.

This Guy Sold Me A 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo .. about 2-4 days ago shortly after the car started leaking antifreeze/overheating .. now the check engine light ... came on and it's overheating I paid $2,000 and a PS3 WTF help I need my $$$ back I'm sure he knew this ****