> Automatic car wont reverse?

Automatic car wont reverse?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Make sure before you move the selector between PRND you have your foot firmly on the brake pedal. Many boxes will not change without the brakes being applied.

You should just feel the drive engage.

If it is not engaging almost instantly they you need to first check the fluid level and colour.

It should be a nice red colour. If it is dark and smells a bit burnt it needs a fluid change in the box.

Have he filters changed at the same time and the box flushed. It is amazing what a flush, filter and fluid change will achieve

It that does not work you need to get the transmission looked at by a specialist


and the make and model is? no solenoids for reverse. if low on fluid then a problem with forward gears also. fluid and filter change just that changing not fixing anything find local shop at ATRA.COM for more help/info

Fluid probably just needs to be drained and replaced. About $65.

Could be low on fluid. If you know how, check the level.

Failing that it needs an automatic transmission specialist to diagnose and repair it but yes, they're hellish expensive things to repair and need expert attention. A regular garage may not be able to cope.

if the automatic gearbox has a manual mode (tiptronic) then its normally a manual gearbox with electronics and solenoids to change the gears. Clutch fluid reservoir could be low or a solenoid on its way out, no where near as expensive as a gearbox... do what checks you can and if nothing obvious get it to a mechanic.

Start by making sure it is full

turn it off and back on again.

or you can put it to wumbo

Autos are complex and require specialist knowledge to diagnose and repair - sorry that is what will be needed

today I put my automatic car in reverse and it didn't move, when I put my foot more on the pedal it shot up into reverse, like it jerked into reverse and I got the fright of my life. ive been crying all day, as I think the transmission need to be replaced/repaired, and I don't know if I can afford it. any car meachanics out there who can tell me whats wrong and to find a budget but effective solution