> Auto to manual conversion?

Auto to manual conversion?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
The car may be close but of course not it wont be the same as a purpose built manual. Tranny is a small variable in cars it does impact the overall car but an old worn motor will be more of a problem than a tranny swap another thing is COST.. even if the car came in a manual model it may cost THOUSANDS to do it plus knowledge to do it. If you dont have the ability and or the shop to do it double if not triple the price.. it is hardly if EVER worth a swap unless you have a full shop and the parts laying around even then it is a gamble..

By the time you're done with changing out the computer and complete engine/trans harness you'll wish you never started the project.

This question is asked all the time. The short of it is that for vehicles made since about 1980 it is far cheaper and more reliable to sell the one you have and buy the one you want. It is even cheaper to buy the one you want without selling the one you have.

in short its not worth all the hassle flog the auto buy a manual odds on you save some cash as well

I want to convert my car from auto to manual but I'm afraid it won't feel right. For example say it's a auto supra if I change it to manual will it be the same as a manual supra or slower?