Touching asbestos is not harmful. Inhaling asbestos fibres can be dangerous in the very long term and should be avoided at all costs. The danger arises when removing brake dust from brake parts where it collects. Mechanics have safe ways of doing this, just in case there is asbestos present. Some DIYers might use less safe methods like blowing or brushing which could launch fibres into the air.
Asbestos is only a problem when it is inhaled - the fibers can cause specific types of lung cancers, particularly mesothelioma. There is already a lot of asbestos in everyday settings. Various home products, including older flooring mastic and vinyl tile, contain asbestos. It is fine as long as it does not become airborne.
They stopped using asbestos in brakes, clutches, and head gaskets many years ago. Also, if a mechanic left a big black stain in your car, you would be pissed if it was dangerous or not.
Your being over cautious
Hi there,
I am in the market to shop for an used car. For my price range, most of the car I am looking at are from year 1998 to 2005.
I did some research and know that in America that there are still many aftermarket auto parts such as brakes and head gaskets can still be made from asbestos. The advise I got was, just treat any car as it has asbestos as you just don't know what/when/who had replaced those parts.
I also read that as consumer we don't have to worry about it and only mechanic needs to worry about it unless we are a do-it-yourself car repair men. However, I am somewhat skeptical about it. Say, if I go to a shop to replace my brakes and say, if the old brakes contain asbestos, the mechanic will touch the asbestos. And usually after repairing, they usually will move the car from the garage to outside which means they will drive my car and touch the door and the steering wheel. And the asbestos dust that attaches to the car door and the steering wheel will definitely cause a problem to the customer.
Do you agree?
I am kind of worried and is a bit afraid now to buy an old car.