> Are we prepared for when the oil runs out?

Are we prepared for when the oil runs out?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
The oil wont suddenly run out. It will just become more difficult to extract, and the price will go up. As this happens hybrid vehicles, alternative fuels and public transport will suddenly become more attractive. The technology to run vehicles on biofuel or nuclear produced hydrogen is there now, it's just too expensive to compete with cheap oil. When oil gets scarce, there wont be any other option, and you will have to pay for the more expensive alternatives.

There's no need to concern yourself about that. It wont happen for several hundred years from now, and we're already well on the way to using cars that don't need gas or those that need very little.

Here in the US, we have oil reserves larger than in other countries, and we haven't even tapped into most of it yet. RELAX.

But of course. We have only about 10 years of oil left, same as we did in 1910. :)

Nothing I have to worry about in my life time.

Can you ride a horse?

yes we have enough nukes to kill everyone

yup, i'll be long dead and buried by then