> Am I awesome for working on cars at age 13? (For older car guys)?

Am I awesome for working on cars at age 13? (For older car guys)?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Well you stated about 4 years later than I did so I would put you as average not awsome and looking at the work you posted that is only just above haven't got a clue so practice to become awsome.

That's about when I started. Maybe not AWESOME, but got a running start on a lot of the folks on here. Keep at it, kiddo.


you are Fu-king awesome

if you get stumped hmu kid, I got you

awsome no having the ability to do your own car stuff huge benefit in this generation of kids

Yeah I guess. Just don't screw up the Celica, great car!

Well you may be. Or not.

Yea kid you are AWESOME ..... there is that what you wanted to hear?

Hey, it's a question right? I already know the answer but I want other car guys opinions, I mostly work on the 1990 Toyota Celica my uncle gave me with my friend. Sooooooooo.....yeah.