Cat litter box? Big flowerpot with a plastic garbage bag liner? Mop bucket with plastic liner? Test the liners for leakage and make sure the oil's not too hot, or you will have a big mess.
6 pint plastic carton for milk. Cut the flat side out opposite to the cap then you can pour the oil into something better to dispose of it by just undoing the cap.
Unused aluminum cake pan you cant use for baking anymore?
The cat litter box? The sheet pan your grandma used to use for
the oven?
They buy cakes and baked goods at costco now anyway.
If you have other pans around but don't want they dirty then put on a garbage bag as a liner.
Trash can lid.
Trash can lid...?
Changing my oil today, and my drain pan broke last time. Forgot to get one with my oil. What are some household alternatives? Im thinking a laundry detergent juge with the side cut open. Any other ideas?