> All sinks in my house are slow draining. One shower sort of but toilets OK. Any ideas? Drano has been tried?

All sinks in my house are slow draining. One shower sort of but toilets OK. Any ideas? Drano has been tried?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
The okay toilets means the main line is okay, and you don't mention water backing up in a shower when the sinks drain slowly. That makes me think all the drains are individually slow.

I don't have a lot of success with Drano or other plain liquid/gel cleaners. Try a foaming cleaner like the source - just look for two part cleaners in the drain cleaner section. The foam removes gunk and hair from the stopper shaft and makes all the difference in my house. Follow the directions. I use very hot water from a pot to flush the drain when the stuff has done its work but that is probably just superstition. Anyway, try it on one slow drain and see if it is the answer. At almost $5 per treatment, no sense splurging until you know it works... or not.

Does your home use a 'field line' system where the waste drains underground? If it does then sometimes if it has been raining a lot, the water cant drain fast enough through the ground, Also it could simply be that your septic tank is full from years of use and needs to be drained. Dont worry, if it needs to be drained, just look in the yellow pages and find a good septic tank drain company and they will come and remove all of that for a $100 to $200 according on where you live. Hope this helps and wasnt bad news. Thanks, Matt

Also, if you're hooked up to the city sewer system, you may have a bad sewer pump. Could be up to the city beyond there or home owner if you dont own the home...like renting or something.

Drano...waste of time. Dump some bleach down each drain, let it sit for 30 minutes, flush. Bleach eats hair and everything else. Guaranteed

Probably hair clogs in drains. Remove P-traps under sink, and run a closet auger or plumbers snake into drainpipe, turning clockwise, or in direction of auger on end. When you feel resistance, pull it out. It's gonna be GROSS, so if you have a weak stomach, have a barf bag ready. That's why plumbers charge so much.