> After using oil sealer my car now has the check engine light, low oil pressure and is knocking. Did the sealer mess up m

After using oil sealer my car now has the check engine light, low oil pressure and is knocking. Did the sealer mess up m

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
It is difficult to say without further inspecting your vehicle.

But it is very likely that something is disrupting the oil circulation in your motor.

If you hear knocking, unfortunately, this most likely means that your motor has been oil starved for so long that it has overheated and either blown or warped.

The low oil pressure light is notoriously ambiguous. It could mean low oil pressure, or the oil is not circulating, or oil pump failure. This is why people install oil pressure gauges.

You most likely blew your motor. If it weren't for the knocking, it might just be a sensor, but the knocking is an indicator that this is not the case. When you take it to a shop they are either going to quote you a ridiculous price for a new motor/installation, or a ridiculous price for a long list of repairs.

Good luck. Cheers.

Do a complete oil change with filter before starting that car again.. You MAY be able to save it.... Never put "sealer/stop leak/anything" like that in a car... It blocks your leak, but it also blocks passages that fluids need to move through.

Either the stop leak clogged crucial oil pathways or your oil pump is bad .

I suppose there is a chance the stop leak fouled your oil pressure sender .

I'd suggest putting a pressure gauge on and monitoring the real pressure rather than depending on the warning light .

You may want to get the vehicle looked at to determine what if any damage was caused to your engine by using the engine oil sealer.

Good Luck!


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Chrysler Group LLC

It's a sure bet that the gunk you used to avoid a proper repair has buggered up the oil pump pressure relief valve.

We used blue devil. Drove it roughly 50 miles and it sat idle for 10 minutes. When we started it back up it started jumping then the engine light came on. We made it home after multiple stops for the low oil pressure and immediately changed the oil. It now runs fine at high RPM's but starts flashing when I'm going under 30mph. What is wrong with my car?? Please help.