> After an oil change @ a shop should the dip stick show an inch or two over the full grid lines?

After an oil change @ a shop should the dip stick show an inch or two over the full grid lines?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
NO! The question is if the dip stick is the original to the car or replaced. If original than the service person did not check the oil amount the car called for but likely filled with say 5 full quarts rather than 4.2 as the car manual may have called for. The 4.2 would have been 4 in the pan and the ,2 allowed for filling the oil filter. This would explain the overage.

No way... the dip stick should be up to the full line ONLY. I have run into this before. have them drain the extra oil out. Then find a better place to do oil changes. They are incompetent. A good shop would never let a car go with too much oil in it. You could blow some seals out.

No. The oil level should NEVER exceed the full level on the dip stick. If the engine is over filled with oil the crank throws and rods will hit the oil and cause damage. Do you know how to check the oil level, or are you just pulling out the dip stick and looking at it?

Did you clean the dipstick off with a towel and then take the measurement again? If so and it is still two inches over the line, dont drive it. Two inches over the line is a lot of extra oil on most cars. That much oil can damage the engine pretty quickly even at idle. I would check it again and then maybe change the oil yourself and get your money back if it is overfilled that much. You dont need a filter since it is new. Here is how to easily do it yourself:

Hi no it should show between the two lines marked on the dipstick over filling will result in blown seals in most engines the rear crankshaft one is the one you don't want to blow as it is the one that gives most problems to get replaced.

Maybe slightly over, but not an inch or two. Are you letting the oil settle before you check it? If it's an inch or two over its too much, they have obviously rushed the job and you should complain.

there are vehicles that have an issue like that such as fords. check it on level ground as a start.