> About me being window cleaner?

About me being window cleaner?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
I am a developer at Microsoft so I know a thing or two about computers. The best PC cleaner and antivirus program is PC Health Boost, it's very light and it's the only antivirus/cleaner with a 99.99% detection rate.

It's also a PC booster so your computer will be running faster than nomal. Download it here for free: http://www.pcboostsoftware.com

Methinks you are barking.

What a funking psycho. I hope she gets your photo and shows it to the Police, and gets a Restraining-Order preventing you from even entering her road.

Since when did harrassing and intimidating your customers constitute GOOD SERVICE?

I have not got my specs on, did you say "mad lad" or "bad lad" ?

Dafuq has this to do with cars & transport?

Stick this rant in the nutter section where it belongs.....

So I window cleaner and a lady has had new conservatory and when she was having built I said what the hell you doing altering my job. she said I am having new one as its rotten the wood one and pvc will be better and I said you making my harder then I turned round to her and said and now till its done I will lose out on have the money as I will get only money for doing your front windows.Then just before I came down the ladders from the house next door I pointed to her and said you do understand if you having glass all the way to bottom I will charge you extra you know. then the man putting the conservatory up was showing her some cleaner for cleaning the plastic and some off it went on the window And I said get off my patch now and I warned him off and now hes told his boss and I am going to his works were they make windows and will have a go and if they get police I will put there windows in. am I a bad lad?