> A truck needs 175 litres of gasoline to cover 1,400 km. How many litres of gasoline will it need to cover 2,150 km. Roun

A truck needs 175 litres of gasoline to cover 1,400 km. How many litres of gasoline will it need to cover 2,150 km. Roun

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
A truck needs 175 litres of gasoline to cover 1,400 km. How many litres of gasoline will it need to cover 2,150 km. Round your answer to two decimal places.

Divide 175 by 1400 and multiply by 2150. You work it out.

I saw an article the other day about this, let me check my history real fast and I will get back with the link

This is a math question, not an actual automotive question.

Post your question in HOMEWORK HELP, not in the CARS & TRANSPORTATION section.

2150/1400= 1.535714285714286 times the calculated distance

1.535714285714286 * 175 = 268.75 L ( the calculated distance times the calculated fuel.)

Do your OWN damn homework. 268.75

A truck needs 175 litres of gasoline to cover 1,400 km. How many litres of gasoline will it need to cover 2,150 km. Round your answer to two decimal places.