> A belt popped off my car. did I do any damage to my engine?

A belt popped off my car. did I do any damage to my engine?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
The short answer is... probably not, but it is possible. What type of engine do you have in the car?

See a mechanic to assess your car if you cannot do so yourself.

Your car uses a serpentine belt, this means that you have a belt that runs all of your pumps and accessories on one belt rather then multiple belts. Some of the systems are vital to your engine, others are not.

The vital components it runs is the water pump and alternator typically.

Your battery light came on because voltage in the system dropped from the alternator not charging the battery.

You may have damaged something in the engine if it overheated from not having the water pump move coolant around the engine and back to the radiator to cool down. Did you notice the engine temperature go up when driving?

The power steering pump is also run on the serpentine belt, so that is why it got hard to steer.

The A/C compressor is also run off of the serpentine belt.

No, no damage it will be the belt for the Power Steering, and alternator. Just fit a new one and it will be OK. If temperature stayed OK Then water pump will be driven from the Cam Belt. All good.

Please help. Thanks.

Such a simple three words that most kids simple do not get right no matter how much they "try." Anikka. Your name is written as Anikka and not "anikka." For yet another reason, kids do not feel that a properly capitalize name is required. Is it "cool" to be not smart? Ford Escort. Another proper name problem area. Would your name be "Anikka rogers?" or "anikka Rogers?" First word of sentence. Another trouble area. The first work, Anikka, of all sentences must be capitalized. The English grammar mish-mash you have here is quite demonstrative of who you are. The car. The car has a broken belt. This belt powers the alternator, power steering, power brakes, the AC and water pump. And you think, Ms. Anikka, that you can replace this missing belt? All by yourself? And get grease under the fingernails and brake a few nails and burn yourself on the hot engine and a few other choice things that could and will happen to the person who tries to do mechanical work they know nothing about? You kept driving for 35 minutes without proper cooling of the engine since the water pump was not working. Did the car overheated? The battery lasted 35 minutes? No, there is no damage. But, next time something happens that you know nothing about, please stop immediately and call for a tow truck or for information or to the nearest auto repair shop and I mean something within ten minutes. Otherwise, the potential for disaster could have been serious. There is absolutely nothing, nada, zippo, that you can do. This is for a professional mechanic to repair. First this mechanic has to inspected the car to make sure nothing was damaged by the exploding belt. Second he has to inspect the pulleys and other support areas of this belt. The name is serpentine. The serpentine belt. I commend that you think you could do this. But you cannot. Get an appointment for the car at a close auto repair shop and get the car towed. DO NOT DRIVE IT. Oh, each time the oil is changed most technicians inspect belts and hoses and brake pads and the condition of the exhaust and for any leaks. I suspect this belt was frayed and damaged and that you were advised to change it. But you did not. Of course, this could be a car you purchased five days ago so that does apply. Call. Pay. Drive.

wow this is a good question,,i am also waiting for best answer

The diagram should be located on the top off your radiator cover to show route of belt you will have to turn the pulley to fit new one on

While I was driving my 97 Ford escort the battery light came on, the car didn't hesitate or shut off. The wheel was a little hard to turn. I drove for about 35 minutes on the highway to get home and parked. I looked under the hood and found that a belt was missing I am not exactly sure which belt it is but there are a few gears without a belt. I looked at some of the questions and answers listed here but I don't have a diagram of how the belt should go since it popped off while I was driving.

Please help thanks