> 3 cylinder misfires how long can I still drive the car?

3 cylinder misfires how long can I still drive the car?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
The anti theist took the words right out of my mouth and he is 100% correct. 1 cylinder doing that is bad enough, but 3... Why are you driving it??? I'm surprised your crankshaft hasn't snapped. If you replace the spark plugs do them all. But it sounds to me like the coil packs. You can get away with only replacing those 3

You can't. An ignition system misfire means you are dumping raw gas into the exhaust, which has a canister called a catalytic converter. This device is used to reduce HC, CO, and NOX emissions. When you dump raw fuel on them, they get extremely hot, and the honeycomb of material inside melts, thus clogging the exhaust. That stops your engine from running. Catalytic converters are expensive parts, and are typically in a horrible location to replace. Stop driving it, until you can have it repaired.

You can't! With three cylinders not firing you won't be able to drive over a double aunt-hill. You have individual ignition coil problems.

Can I put this another way? "My horse is badly lame, but I won't call the Vet or rest it. How many more rides can I force on the poor animal, until it falls over and dies? Yes, I'm Peter Griffin, and I can make every bad choice you can think of, and more".

With the check engine flashing a few minutes to an hour or so.

tune up is cheaper than getting a new car. you are playing with fire because in the long run you will destroy that car where buying a different car will be cheaper

distributor i'm pretty sure

I have a 2001 Mazda Tribute and cylinders 4,5,6 all misfired. It was suggested that I get a tuneup I don't have money for that right cuz I'm pretty sure my tune up cost will be pretty high. I was told that the problem may be bad spark plugs or maybe even a coil. Well anyways the car shakes when I accelerate past 55 mph and some times the check engine light flashes. This is my everyday car and I was wondering how much time I have till my engine just doesn't work anymore