> ???? How do I solve these Equations... please help?

???? How do I solve these Equations... please help?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Could you please explain how you got the answer. thank you.

#1) 5/x+3/5 = 2/x

#2) 2/d + 1/d-2 = 1

#3) 1/2+3x + 2/2-3x = 0

Be VERY careful with parentheses they determine the outcome of the equation!!!

#1) Multiply each side (whole equation with *x) that makes it simple.

so you have 5+3x/5=2 move the unknown and the known numbers on different sides:


3x/5=-3/1 Multiply each fraction diagonally, denominator with the numerator of the other one

so: 3x*1=5*(-3)




#2) http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=+2%...

#3) Those denominators of fractions i hope are in parentheses otherwise there is no solution to the equation.

In any case if they ARE in parentheses:


Sorry for posting this from a calculation machine but i really don't have time for this kind of computation.

You may find wolfram alpha quiet helpful but don't rely on it! Always check your solutions by yourself and then accept wolfram alpha.

Hope i helped

Questions better suited to Maths site but here we go:-


25 + 3x = 10

3x = - 15

x = - 5


Use brackets

2/d + 1/(d - 2) = 1 _____is correct presentation

2 (d - 2) + d = d (d - 2)

2d - 4 + d = d2 - 2d

d2 - 4d + 4 = 0

(d - 2)(d - 2) = 0

d = 2


Use brackets

1 / (2 + 3x) + 2 / (2 - 3x) = 0

2 - 3x + 2 (2 + 3x) = 0

2 - 3x + 4 + 6x = 0

3x = - 6

x = - 2

1) Multiply everything by x to get 5+3x/5=2. Now 3x/5=-3, x=-15

2) What you have given is 2/d+(1/d)-2=1. Is that what you meant?

3) What you have given is (1/2)+(3x)+(1)-(3x)=0. Is that what you meant? There is no solution.

I have seen lots of people use parentheses incorrectly in Yahoo Answers.

Find the lowest common denominator LCD

Could you please explain how you got the answer. thank you.

#1) 5/x+3/5 = 2/x

#2) 2/d + 1/d-2 = 1

#3) 1/2+3x + 2/2-3x = 0