> Would this be too much of a course load?

Would this be too much of a course load?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
They are discouraging you from taking one of the few career paths that actually may have jobs available? You're going to be in college - meaning you'll be an adult. Others may encourage or discourage, but as an adult, ultimately decisions will be up to you. Just work hard, stay organized, and you'll become a good engineer.

4 courses shouldn't be too much, do you have other things you are taking? Typically, 4 or 5 classes in a semester (depending on the labs associated with some of the classes) would be about right. 6 classes is really tough, 4 without labs tends to be really easy, so this should be good since chem will likely have a lab.

Most colleges have a suggested plan for the timing of your coursework, you should try to stick to that as much as you can.

Just 4 classes?

That's nothing.

I took 5-6 classes per semester. I even took 7 classes in 1 semester.

And I took Calc 2, Chem 2, Physics 1, Dynamics, and Thermodynamics at the same time on top of 1 general education elective.

Wow... that's too much. I can't even read that so it must be intellectual courses that require a more developed brain.


I am an engineering student, I want to take Chem1,

Intro to C++, Calculus2 and Intro to Environmental Sci.

Would this be too much of a course load, because if it

is, then I should just forget about Intro to Environmental

Sci. Also, any encouragement towards engineering would

be really nice. I really want to do engineering, but there's

so many people in my life who discourage and place so

much fear about it to me. Thanks!