> Will i be ok if i swallow neodymium zen magnets?

Will i be ok if i swallow neodymium zen magnets?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
will i be ok if i swallow neodymium zen magnets?

NO. They can cause major intestinal damage and death if they line up such that they pinch a section of your intestine. You may be lucky and just have them pass out harmlessly, but would you bet your life on that?

No. Swallowing magnets can be a really bad idea. I've seen a very badly damaged intestine that was tge result of swallowing magnets. Don't do it.

There has just been a baby here in hospital. He swallowed some little ball magnets and they all clumped together in his bowel and pinched it shut.

The magnets will not cause you any harm unless you swallow so many that some part of your digestive system is obstructed by a clump of the magnets.

They may attract each other in a part of the intestine and nip it causing it to bleed and become blocked which would require surgery. If you survived then you would be fine.

You should be banned for abusing this site and wasting my time. This is not an engineering or math question.

Part of a healthy diet.


will i be ok if i swallow neodymium zen magnets?