> Will engineering school ruin my life?

Will engineering school ruin my life?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Well the female engineers who work in my firm don't appear to have their personality ruined and to be devoid of a social life.

Have you changed in the last few years? Of course! We all do. Some people are friends for life and some are "friends for a season". This is part of life.

Hello. I am 23 years old. I graduated in May 2011 when I was 22 in engineering.

What you say is similar to what I went through.

Yes, all engineers lose contact with friends and miss out on the college life. That is part of being an engineer. The reward is in the career and future.

Those business and bio and liberal arts majors have time to party and go out and see friends, but they will end up working more and harder than you after college. As an engineer, you will have a better work life balance. Better hours, more vacation, more benefits, more respect, more joy from your job(since it is not the same task everyday).

In my senior year, I went out ZERO weekends because I worked weekends and studied. I had no time to go out. I never went to any parties or clubs. I know some clubs and bars by name in my old college campus, but I never saw how they looked like on the inside.

When you graduate, it will be tougher. Your old friends will move away for jobs. And you will have to start over with new friends, which is tougher when you already finished college. I only have 1 childhood friend left in my area, and he lives 25 minutes away. The closest college friend lives 4 hours away.

My gf also studied engineering. I was able to have a relationship with her because we took the same courses and studied together. She got hired by Volvo and she is doing great. She is the only woman there so everyone flirts with her and tries to put her down at the same time, but she is tough. She is training to be a project manager now.

If you have the money, do what I dreamed of doing. When you graduate, go back to school for an easy interesting hobby major like Fitness, Sports, or Music, or Film. That way you can experience the college life while getting a pointless good conversation starter degree.

Well I hope your youth is over by 24. Some people seem to drag it out much longer :) Another name is immature. Certainly you will not relate to some older friends. As life progresses we might move apart. When people get marriedm find new jobs etc, they drop their current friends often as not because the focus of life changes. The idea is to find new friends. Any true friends from the past may well still be around, or reappear some day. At least communication is good today, so it is much easier to maintain old friendships.

University is a transient phase, a means to the end of getting employed (from most Engineering people's point of view). Once in a job you find new relationships, maybe those who respond to the stimulus of engineering challenges like you seem to. You might even feel more at home with them. I hope so, as workplaces usually have their own politics too.

Your personality changes a lot between being a child and an adult, and at other stages of your life. It is supposed to after all. Your personal view of your own identity is developing and changing, very likely towards responsibility, challenges of life and such. This is why we talk of identity crises. Perhaps they are recognising we are leaving a part of our life behind (and getting closer to the other end)

Lucky you, to be so sure of your direction, the career you want. Youth is not all that important, life is. Move to the next stage/s. Your personality, somehow I suspect it will not change so much. Your point of view is changing rather. Life begins at 40, I am sure you have heard, and maybe even 50. That is because by then we are supposed to be more or less comfortably in charge of our own lives.

Trust me, your best years are yet to come.

If you love ME, stick with it. When you get a job, there will be people there like you.

People change, but friends remain. I got a whole new set of friends, once I started working, but that didn't mean that I couldn't drop back into it when I did see old friends.

No it will not,you still have your youth.most college students today are 28 and older.chances are great that you will meet lots of people socially outside of work so don't think its a dead end career.good luck

I am 21 years old (female) and I go to school full time. I feel like these are supposed to be the best years of my life and I don't know if I'm wasting them away. I've already lost contact with a lot of my friends and can't really relate to them anymore just beacuse school has altered my interests/things i can talk about. I have about 2 years left of ME schooling. I don't want to loose my personality!!!! I will graduate when I am 23-24 and I am scared that my youth will be over by then or that my personality will be ruined! Ugh :/ Then I am also afraid that when I find a job I won't have a social life beacuse it will be primarily men who don't share any similar interests with me. I am just doubting whether or not this will all pay off.

Also, I know this is the career for me so don't tell me to go find another major lol