> Why so many horrible questions on engineering/answers.com?

Why so many horrible questions on engineering/answers.com?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
I've only been an active member of this group for a little over a year, but I have wondered the same thing. Some of the questions are a total waste of time and others are nonsense.

Forgive me for addressing your own inaccurate/confusing discourse:

why are you asking about "Answers.com"

when you are posting on Yahoo?

Oh well.

I agree that a great many questions are garbled,

and that some question-posters appear not even to have

read the questions they've posted.

Nope - not a look at what will be coming up in the engineering field -

many of these persons are "wannabe" engineers who won't make it.

It is what it is. Most could find better answers (textbooks or assignment solutions) with graphics if they turned to Google. Those who look for short-cuts, generally blame the instructor or something else for their failure, but take credit for their success.

Despite it's flaws (poor grammar, terrible translations, incomplete questions, no graphics or broken link, incorrect best answers by community, etc.), it demonstrates the true power of social media. There is a benefit to getting timely, proper answers during learning. But we have to be realistic. At times, each of us find it frustrating, but if the community can truly help 1 or 2 out of 10, then I believe it is worth it.

If you want high quality, well thought out answers to your questions, you should try Quora.

Yahoo answers has become (as you mention) homework.com and is mainly used by students, pre-teens trying to get through their daily assignments.

im also wondering the same thing.

Why is it that so many questions posed on the engineering section of Answers.com never have enough detail to answer the question, let alone wading through the bad English and grammar to try and understand what they are asking?

Are we, as engineers, asking too much by expecting everything to be as detailed as possible, like we normally deal with day to day?

Never mind the ones who just throw up their homework questions wholesale, expecting others to do their work for them; half the time those are the only ones that make sense.

Is this bad English thing, horrible grammar and unintelligent or misstated questions a look at the up and coming of our field? Did I miss something? How do these kids make it through school, let alone get a job afterward? I'm worried.

Just observing and wondering.