> Why don't we build a bridge to Hawaii?

Why don't we build a bridge to Hawaii?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
I've been thinking recently about how we can connect Hawaii to the rest of the country. My idea is simple but effective: a bridge? What do you think?

Simple?! It would have to be about 3,700 km long. That's 138 times as long as the longest existing sea bridge, the Jiaozhou Bay Bridge in China.

The ocean is thousands of metres deep for most of the distance, which means that most of the supporting pillars would have to be 4 to 6 times as tall as the Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building.

A road bridge would not be an option. The journey time would be too long and the sheer mindless tedium would cause accidents. You would have to build emergency hospitals at regular intervals to treat the crash victims.

It would have to be a high speed rail link. But what happens if there's a breakdown or an accident in the middle of the bridge?

Then there is the small detail that Hawaii is moving with respect to the North American mainland at about 4.5 cm per year.

It'd be too long and hence too expensive. The pacific is very deep and stormy so it'd be a nightmare to lay the foundations for a bridge. Then you'd have the storms which would batter the bridge and probably make it collapse. Also there's shipping to think about, big ships wouldnt be able to get past it so ships coming from the southern states would have to go around Hawaii to get to Alaska/canada.

Why don't we build a bridge to Hawaii? The same reason we don't build an elevator to the moon, or a tunnel to the center of the Earth.

Hawaii won't pay for it. Neather will the Federaal Government. 'nuf' said? Assuming a need for a service area for gas and repairs every 3-400 miles, loss of one would cripple the entire roadway. Becoming dependant on such a bridge would be foolish.

Bad idea, the distance for one is far too great and 2, storms at sea would constantly wreck the bridge.

We have one. It's made out of airplanes.

This is crazy.

I've been thinking recently about how we can connect Hawaii to the rest of the country. My idea is simple but effective: a bridge? What do you think?