Look up the price of a good one ~$354.00 and give her a check or cash in one of those window cards. Let her pick her own. The choices are so wide and the preferences are so personal that she should pick her own. she may be doing mostly through hole parts or maybe surface mount parts or maybe mains wiring. They each need a different tool. She knows which one to get.
Maybe she already had the iron and needs tips or solder or etc.
She may want a Cut Glass Bicycle or a Crocheted Bathtub.
Don't give her a gift card. They are stuck with one store. Dead President Portraits are best.
The best is a pencil style. It comes in a stand with a knob to control the power, and a little sponge in a tray to wipe off the tip. A really good one costs over $100.
I agree on the pencil style. It reaches into small spaces and, if need be, you can "sharpen" it or bend it.
Buy one like this.............
My girlfriend's birthday is coming up, and I am planning on getting her a soldering iron for her birthday> She does a lot of work on the circuit boards of computers. Which style of soldering iron is best for that type of work; the "Pencil" style or the "Gun" style. I don't know much about this type of work, please help. I'm a professional racecar driver, not a computer technician.