> Which is stressful? project engineer or design engineer?

Which is stressful? project engineer or design engineer?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
As the other people are saying, it really depends on your personality. If solving equations, detailing drawings, deciphering code, and running analysis programs on the computer sounds fun to you then I don't think a design engineer would be a stressful job. However, you do have deadlines that you have to meet and this is always stressful for anyone.

If you enjoy dealing with people, organizing projects, scheduling delivery of materials and allocation of manpower, and visiting the job site more often, then I don't think a project engineer would be a stressful job. You still have deadlines.

I think that a design engineer requires a higher level of analytical intelligence with a fine attention to detail whereas a project engineer requires excellent organizational skills, people skills, and a broad view of the entire project as a whole.

However, these titles are not always the same in the different engineering fields or even in different companies. Some companies use the term project engineer as a blanketed term for a design engineer who oversees several junior level engineers in a project.

A Project engineer..

A Project Engineer will be a technical lead for the project

Stress will depend upon the Company you work for..

Type of project you get..

and also it depends on the Team size..

If a company has Marketing, Design, production, Maintenance..Etc

The project engineer ties these together and understand the interconnections in the system..

Should plan such that he should complete work according to the schedule or else before schedule..

Those titles do not have universal meaning. The work can come somewhat interchangably. As far as stress there are two major components; you and the employer. Designing and implementing new products of any kind is a challenging situation. I personally love that type of work and find the challenge exciting. Some employers think you can do a month of work every day. Some don't reconcile reality to their desires. Some get irritated about the laws of physics and ask you to avoid those. I've experienced all of these situations in my career.

These types of jobs do not come with a users guide to always point you in the right direction. That can be stressful. Every project is a learning experience and it is fine to start a project without knowing everything about it. Understanding requirements is the best first step to take to eliminate stress. Having a positive problem solving attitude is the next step to take. Best of luck, and try to have some fun. To make something exist that didn't before, and make it work and do something can be a real thrill.

I think stress is much more a function of personality than job assignment. As long as you have confidence in your knowledge and abilities you don't feel stress. Or if you have access to people and the necessary resources then you don't feel stress.