> Which enginnering field is more interesting?

Which enginnering field is more interesting?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Any "engineering" program that will lead to good employment opportunities requires the confident use of lots of math. Your problem with math may well be just that you have not sufficiently grasped what you were taught earlier. I am sure you are fine with grade-school arithmetic (??) -- so you may be able to cure your math anxiety by repeating an elementary algebra class or something like that.

They (and every other engineering field) are not great for those weak in math. The main difference is in the applications. Food engineering is more so efficiently producing and commercializing food. Whereas bioengineering is usually working with biological species, ie making prosthetic limbs.

“Petroleum engineering is definitely one of the fields that you can see the effect that you're having on the world as you go along."

Energy is a key component to people's everyday lives; and a secure energy future requires a balance between environmental impact and affordable supply. Petroleum and geosystems engineers are able to address and solve important issues that will lead to energy security and thus are in high demand.

Economic and environmentally safe production of petroleum resources requires creative application of a wide spectrum of knowledge, including, but not limited to:





Petroleum engineering overlaps with many of the engineering disciplines, such as: mechanical, chemical, and civil.

Graduates of this program will:

Evaluate potential oil and gas reservoirs

Oversee drilling activities

Select and implements recovery schemes

Design surface collection and treatment facilities

Petroleum engineers increasingly use advanced computers, not only in analysis of exploration data and simulation of reservoir behavior, but also in automation of oilfield production and drilling operations. Petroleum companies own many of the world’s supercomputers.

Petroleum engineers have a future full of challenges and opportunities. They must develop and apply new technology to recover hydrocarbons from oil shale, tar sands, and offshore oil and gas fields. They must also devise new techniques to recover oil left in the ground after application of conventional producing techniques.

Since many petroleum companies conduct worldwide operations, the petroleum engineer may have the opportunity for assignments all over the world. Petroleum engineers must solve the variety of technological, political, and economic problems encountered in these assignments. These exciting technological challenges combine to offer the petroleum engineer a most rewarding career.

i suggest ,you can try to Genetics Engineering

bcoz of lot of scope in this field & always

you don't like math so let try it......

Hey i am confused between 2 engineering fields so if u can help me choose one plus i am quite weak in maths so tell me if they contain lots of maths

.food engineering

.bio engineering