You are using a plate that is metal or has metal compounds in it and it is absorbing a high percentage of the microwave power shielding the food. You might even be using a metal pie plate but more likely a ceramic plate with metallic glaze.
One of the parts of the instructions for the microwave is to test plates if you are not sure they are microwave safe by putting just the plate in the microwave and giving it 10-20 seconds - a safe plate will remain cool - an unsafe plate will get hot.
Frozen foods do not absorb microwave energy as well as liquid or the plate. Use slow heat. The microwave is working fine.
Use a microwave safe plate.
What r u trying to cook? if the microwave doesn't heat it, try the handy dandy oven.. or get a new microwave. I don't know what's wrong with it. That's the first time I've heard of this. o_O
You are using metal or electrically conductive plate. Use microwave safe plastic, porcelain or Pyrex cookware.
If porcelain plates have metal gilding on them, they will be ruined.
Because your plate has metal .
Suggestions to the sun shines, perhaps because too wet, it difficult to start.
After several minutes, my food is still frozen, but the plate it's on is so hot that I can't touch it!