> What's wrong with my '94 Camry?

What's wrong with my '94 Camry?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Sorry to hear, but transmission problems start at $1500 and go up as far as $3500. The 1500 is just a lower (valve body) repair, which can be done without removing the entire transmission. If removal is a must, you may as well rebuild or replace the transmission. Most rebuilds cost around $2500. Shop around and do not chose a cheap transmission estimate. A 20-year old vehicle with transmission problems is like a stroke or cancer at 65 years of age for us humans. It is definitely a major repair, cost, and concern. You may find a cheap transmission somewhere and pay a weekend warrior to remove yours and install the other used one for under $1000 altogether, but then who knows what it will run like or how long it will last.

The torque converter is bleeding down overnight. It is a nuisance but I would just drive it that way. May run 2 or 3 years before complete failure. You will probably not still own it then.

Check the fluid level and small if it's burnt (you'll know trust me). How many miles on the car? Most manufactures recomend changing the fluid and filter every 60,000 miles. If you have naver changed fluid and it's not burnt you may be lucky. Hit up your local "Fast Lube guys" they will change the fluid and filter for a reasonable price. Don't let them do a trans flush though, if it needs more take it to a specialist.

Check the fluid level, it is probably low.

ask a specialist sounds weird.

Hey everyone.

I drive a 1994 Toyota Camry. It turns on fine. It'll go in reverse just fine right off the bat, but as soon as I put it in drive, it's as if it's on park. I step on the gas and the engine revs. It takes around a whole minute of sitting in drive before the drive actually kicks in. Obviously it's a transmission problem. But other than that, I haven't got an idea what's wrong with it. This only happens after the car has been sitting for a good amount of time. It's almost as if it needs to warm up before it'll go in drive.

I'll drive to stores, park, come back an hour or so later and not have a single problem with putting it in drive. It seems to only happen if it's been sitting for awhile.

Any ideas? Thanks.