> What other measure ohmmeter does, aside from resistance?

What other measure ohmmeter does, aside from resistance?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
An ohmmeter will only measure Ohms. You can do quite a bit with that but what you need is a multimeter with all the measurements on it.

The main use of an Ohm meter besides for checking resistance values is for checking current path continuity through conductors. Electrical trouble shooters probably uses the Ohm meter for checking continuity (desired and undesired) more so than they do for checking actual resistance values.

It can be used to trouble shooting Open or Short circuit, test diode ,transistor,SCR,choke,transformer,capaci... if you knew how to do it. It is the major tool for trouble shooting electronic and electricity.

ifit is not part of a multimeter it only dos wht it says on the lable