> What is wireless transmission?

What is wireless transmission?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Wireless power or wireless energy transmission is the transmission of electrical energy from a power source to an electrical load without man-made conductors. Wireless transmission is useful in cases where interconnecting wires are inconvenient, hazardous, or impossible. The problem of wireless power transmission differs from that of wireless telecommunications, such as radio. In the latter, the proportion of energy received becomes critical only if it is too low for the signal to be distinguished from the background noise. With wireless power, efficiency is the more significant parameter. A large part of the energy sent out by the generating plant must arrive at the receiver or receivers to make the system economical.

The most common form of wireless power transmission is carried out using direct induction followed by resonant magnetic induction. Other methods under consideration are electromagnetic radiation in the form of microwaves or lasers and electrical conduction through natural media.

Automobile wireless transmission: There's a direct linkage between the gear shift lever and the transmission. No wires needed to select the gear.

Automobile wired transmission. No linkage between the shift selector and the transmission. Wires and switches are used to select the proper gear. Years ago, some cars came with "push button transmissions". You push a button and the gear was selected electrically.

Wireless transmission relating to computers and phones: No wire connection between the transmitter (computer/phone) and the receiver (router/modem).

The clue is in the terms. Transmission without wires. Mainly applies to radio waves. Hence the term 'wireless' when applied to a radio.

Wireless communication involves the transmission of information over a distance without help of wires, cables or any other forms of electrical conductors. The transmitted distance can be anywhere between a few meters (for example, a television’s remote control) and thousands of kilometres (for example, radio communication).

Wireless transmission means to transmit data or information form one place to another without involvement of any kind of wire. Usually we use wire to transmit data from transmitter to the receiver. But in this wireless transmission wire is absent. Though this is very interesting to listen, this is only successful in few distance and laboratory experiments. Practically it is very much difficult to do. And wireless transmission is very much hot discussion topic in electrical engineering sector to transmit electrical energy from production site to the load where electricity is necessary.

Radio. For decades it was called "wireless" or "wireless telegraph." Terms changed over the years but in recent years the growth of short distance digital technology has restored "wireless" to the public vocabulary. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3G/4G, radio and TV broadcasting... all are wireless transmission. Radio to me.

I have heard of a wireless speedometer but not a wireless transmission.

I have never heard of such.Most of today's automatic transmission cars use electronic sensors to shift into an overdrive mode that increases fuel economy.The cars ECM uses info from a variety of sensors on the car to get the best performance and fuel economy with the lowest emissions.

I believe nothing to do the term " wireless transmission" in automotive. It is something likely electronics term.

Vehicular communication systems are a type of network in which vehicles and roadside units are the communicating nodes, providing each other with information, such as safety warnings and traffic information. As a cooperative approach, vehicular communication systems can be more effective in avoiding accidents and traffic congestions than if each vehicle tries to solve these problems individually.

Generally, vehicular networks are considered to contain two types of nodes: vehicles and roadside stations. Both are dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) devices. DSRC works in 5.9 GHz band with bandwidth of 75 MHz and approximate range of 1000 m.[1] The network should support both private data communications and public (mainly safety) communications but higher priority is given to public communications. Vehicular communications is usually developed as a part of intelligent transportation systems (ITS). ITS seeks to achieve safety and productivity through intelligent transportation which integrates communication between mobile and fixed nodes. To this end, ITS heavily relies on wired and wireless communications.

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Transmission of data through air.

Hi strange as it might be wireless is also used over a physical cable pair tro provide broiadband to hoses as it is a carrier system.

Electromagnetic transmission through air, vacuum or water by means of antenna.

Although the automotive transmission from its inception was created with the use of "no wires", there is NO Automotive application for "Wireless transmission".

That term itself is for communications or power ( Electrical)... And that you know means " no physical link established between two or more devices"

a gearshift that uses cogs and rods to do the transmission of the moving energy from the engine to the driving gear (axels and wheels).

no cables going to or from it. it uses imputs from the dashboard controls to send a signal to the computer that sends a signal to the transmission (all via electrical wires) to tell it what to do

transmission without the use of wires...lol

Its like a cell phone instead of a landline

Cel phones, TV satellite dishes, radio waves basically is its major use.

Only Tesla knew.

Ha. You must be a blond if you put this in the car section.

That has nothing to do with cars. It has a lot to do with radio and other induction devices.

Cell phone call.


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