> What is heat?

What is heat?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Heat is the energy an object has because of the movement of its atoms and molecules which are continuously jiggling and moving around, hitting each other and other objects. When we add energy to an object, its atoms and molecules move faster increasing its energy of motion or heat. Even objects which are very cold have some heat energy because their atoms are still moving.

As several have stated, heat can be defined as the amount thermal energy in a mass. It can also be defined on a relative basis. That is relative to the human body. If something feels warm then it has "heat." If it feels cool then it doesn't have heat but it has "cold."

In physics, heating is transfer of energy, from a hotter body to a colder one, other than by work or transfer of matter. if you have to take proper explanation you can join online tutoring.their price is not so high.some of the online tutoring sites are .Tutorpace,Eduniche

n physics, heating is transfer of energy, from a hotter body to a colder one, other than by work or transfer of matter. It occurs spontaneously whenever a suitable physical pathway exists between the bodies. The pathway can be direct, as in conduction and radiation, or indirect, as in convective circulation.Heating is a dissipative process. Heat is not a state function of a system.

its atomic vibrations. think of atoms as just floating, weightless in space (existence, not outer space). Given the atomic environment is essentially identical to outer space, both ideaologies are the same. a single atom will just sit there. if you hit it with another atom, of equal mass it will fly off while the other remains in place. there is no air resistance in the same context on an atomic scale and individual atoms have an exponentially lesser gravitational pull applied to them.

atoms hold onto these vibrations and this is heat. the more an atom vibrates, the more energy it holds. thermal transfer occures as atoms bash onto others, transfering said energy.

Thermal decomposition and burning occure because certain molecules cant withstand being shaken at the intensity they are, and some chemicals wont bond or trigger reactions until a certain tempurature because, up close, as atoms repel one another, it takes a certain amount of force to overcome the opposing forces.

Lastly, the vibrations of atoms can be thought of as swinging back and fourth many times the atoms actual size. like if an atom is 1nm, then its atomic swing is like 2nm to the left or right of the center, or overall 5nm back and fourth

also, liquification and evapouration is because atoms distance themselves so much, yet cannot bond from directly comming into contact, so, only the repelling property applies. slowly each atom repels one another until eventually they form a gas, or liquid. Like shaking or hitting sand. as the shockwave travels through the sand it moves more fluid-like

Atoms in a fast momentum

kinetic energy

metal is a good absorbent of heat