> What electricity cant go through?

What electricity cant go through?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Example, I'm wearing gloves made out of dry wood. Electricity can't go through.

What else can't electricity go through?

Insulator, or non-conductive material such as wood, plastic and ceramic are some examples of non-conductive material often used as insulators.

This is science so you have to be a little more specific.

Under "normal" conditions, wood (and rubber and air and vacuum and glass and Si and all the non-conductors) do not conduct electric current. However, if you apply a high enough voltage (the driving force to produce an electric current) you can exceed the break down voltage of that particular insulating material) and an arc will occur. The most common dramatic example is lightening. You can learn more, research "dielectric breakdown".

Wood & rubber think thats it


Example, I'm wearing gloves made out of dry wood. Electricity can't go through.

What else can't electricity go through?