> WHY is my car still overheating?

WHY is my car still overheating?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Are the cooling fans working? If not check the fuse and relay. Is the front of the radiator clogged with debris or bugs on this 18 year old car. Did you remove all trapped air from the cooling system after the repairs? If not remove the radiator cap and start the engine. Watch for air bubble escaping from the radiator after the thermostat opens. Keep it full of the correct coolant. When you see no more air bubbles replace the cap.

you paid for this to be fixed.

make them fix it.

it,s up to them to figure this out.

if they don,t you get refund +.

read your invoices.

document everything.

your state law may give you an implied [not written] warranty on this.

even w/o that, the law entitles you to recourse vs that shop.

shop seems incompetent, so you may wana collect your $ from them and take the car elsewhere.


http://www.atg.wa.gov/page.aspx?id=25024 WA State Atty Gen.


Implied Warranty on used cars: [Implied: not written]


"Every used car sold by a dealer in WA for personal use has an Implied Warranty of Merchantability. This means


“the dealer promises the used car will be will be fit for ordinary driving purposes,


“reasonably safe, without major defects, and of the average quality of similar cars available for sale in the same price range.


“If a customer has major problems w/ they can return it for refund or repair in 30 days.

#1. More than likely your 18 year old cooling system has never been drained, flushed and CLEANED with one part powered acid cooling system cleaner. This is necessary to get the corrosion, rust and slime out of the water jackets, heater core and *radiator.

#2. If anyone has ever dumped discount store antifreeze in your cooling system is does not mix with Volvo long life chemical antifreeze. It will need to be CLEANED!

Check all your hoses, there got's to be something leaking coolent.

Has anyone checked that the water pump is working, its common for the plastic impeller to break away from the drive shaft over time with the constant heating and cooling that the part experiences. This is usually driven off of the timing belt.

1996 Volvo 850 turbo

New thermostat

New oil change

Took it to the shop

Gasket/head gasket - no cracks

Radiator is fine

No leaks

BUT MY CAR STILL OVERHEATS, WHY? I'm at wits end with this car. I love it soooooo much but dammn! My love for it is costing. Please.