> Remove dry car oil?

Remove dry car oil?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Any typical soap or household cleaner will not work! Brake Cleaner from a auto parts stores will get it off.

I have found that carburetor cleaner will do a good job of removing the oil stain from concrete. I would first use an Oil Absorbent that you can buy at any auto parts store. Spread it out over the stain and then take your feet and use a twisting motion to grind it into the stain. Let this set for at least 24 hours. Sweep that up and then use carb cleaner to remove the stain. There are other methods using Tri-Sodium Phosphate (TSP) followed with Muriatic Acid. Both these chemicals are very hazardous so you will need a respirator and rubber cloves. You will then need to use Baking Soda to neutralize the Muriatic Acid before rinsing it off. Try the carburetor cleaner and see if that does not do a good enough job to avoid using these hazadrous chemicals.

Simple Green or Whisk liquid soap mixed with hot water and a stiff scrub brush.

Muriatic (sp?) Acid. It is a "etching" cleaner for concrete driveways / garage floors. Wear rubber boots, dust mask, scrub with broom, wait 10 mins, hose off. Will look like new concrete. Find it at hardware stores.

Well, first fix your car's oil leak. There is no sense of cleaning it up when it's just going to leak again.

Cat litter would help more if it was still wet, but you can try with it anyway. However, I'd get some Dawn dishwashign detergent and scrub it in, then try the cat litter. You can also try diatomaceous earth, laundry detergent, and good old fashioned elbow grease.

If you want to try soda, cover it with newspaper first.

Kitty litter or other sweeping compounds will only work if the oil is still wet. You could try scrubbing with dish soap and hot water, or other household cleaners, and I'm sure your friendly local hardware store has several different compounds you can try to remove oil stains from the paved surface of your parking area. READ the instructions printed on the labels.

I live in a block of flats and my car has a oil leak. some of the people living here is complaning and telling me i have to clean it asap! I need a quick fast and effective way of cleaning it, it has been there for a month or so and has dried up I think so would cat litter still help? and if i use cola does it need to set over night? Anyone who could answer these questions or suggest something else would be a great help:)

P.S its in a car park.