> Question about fuel?

Question about fuel?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Compared to you he has a heavy right foot. Simples.

His girlfriend lives further than his mate.

You hit the nail right on the head! How does he drive when you're riding with him?

It is down to the driving.

If my daughter and I do a long distance run from Kent to Paignton then we can buy sensible driving to the return trip on one tank.

My husband on the other hand can use half a tank from here to Windsor.

I have noticed petrol lasts me longer than my husband

Stick with the petrol. Get rid of the husband.

Tell me you're not assuming the fuel gauge is that accurate, because they're not.

Also, are you measuring the mileage every time he uses it?

Guessing where fuel is going is pointless until you know that A) it IS actually being used at a greater rate than expected, and B) to what extent, IE measure the fuel consumption accurately, don't just rely on the gauge.

Yes, how 'hard' you drive has a drastic effect on fuel consumption.

It's not so much just speed, as how hard you accelerate and how late you brake.

Also, a lot of bad tailgaters continuously alternate between throttle & brake, where someone who keeps the proper two-second interval can generally hold distance with the vehicle in front with just slight changes to the throttle.

You have already answered your own Q.

I have noticed petrol lasts me longer than my husband. We share a car and the other day I had half a tank of petrol. He used the car to go up his mates house. He brought it back and there was just over quarter of a tank left . another time I had half a tank of petrol and dropped him to his mates house and I used hardly any petrol. My friend said it's probably due to him accelerating harder n braking more sharply as although it's very dangerous he do tailgate as he's a very inpatient driver where as I'm safer, I don't drive fast I gradually slow down leaving the correct distance rather than speeding behind and having to brake sharply. Is this the reason he uses all the petrol. He don't go anywhere else as I've even been with him at times and he still uses loads of petrol