Voltage leads the current in an inductor.
A good way to remember this is ELI the ICE man. E (voltage) leads I (Current) for L (Inductors) and I (Current) leads E (Voltage) for capacitors.
Also to see this on an oscilloscope you would need to current probes.
Hope this helped.
When you connect an oscilloscope you can see the voltage. You can not see current using oscilloscope.
3- but most AC circuit are probably capacitive.
Hope you had a good Christmas and New Year.
I have a test question.
As you know most of AC circuits are inductive, so if you place an Oscilloscope what will you observe ?
1- Voltage lags the current
2- Voltage is " in phase" with the current.
3- Voltage leaders the current
4- Inductive reactance has no effect on this relationship
5- Non of above.