> Newbie question, torque and horsepower?

Newbie question, torque and horsepower?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Yes Car 1.

@ 4400 means it can achieve torque of 128 at 4400 rpm without high revving the engine.

Car 2 has lower torque and the engine needs to be running at 4800 rpm to achieve that.

Just like what the other guys said, 0-60 sometime tomorrow.

The easiest way to describe it is like this:Torque is what gets the car moving and hp is what keeps it moving.Torque is more important than hp when it comes to a street car.You want a engine that produces good torque at the low to midrange power level.HP usually serves you better on the top end.A lot of time,a engines max or peak torque is what gets listed on a car.In otherwords,the number 1 car makes 128 peak torque at 4400rpms.After 4400rpms,torque level will begin to drop.Peak torque is when the engine is producing the most grunt.Torque is also what you feel in the seat of the pants while driving.Keeping induction components and exhaust components at a conservative size will create better velocity vs heads with massive runners and 3" exhaust piping.Too large of a exhaust pipe will cause torque loss.You've got a little more leeway on this when you install a supercharger or turbo kit because runners and piping need to be bigger since so much compressed air is bein forced out.

First, the horsepower rating is a product of a formula using RPM & torque. Car #1 says it make 128 foot/pounds of torque at 4,400 rpm, and 132 horsepower at 6,000 rpm. Car #1 makes twice has much horsepower as car #2.

Which car has more torque and horsepower?

Car 1:

Torque - 128 @ 4400

Horsepower - 132 @ 6000

Car 2:

Torque - 66 @ 4800

Horsepower - 73

I'm gonna assume that its car 1 but i'm not positive. What does the "@ 4400" mean? Is it rpm? Does that make a difference?