> Name a few games that include transistors?

Name a few games that include transistors?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Now adays virtually anything electronic is using transistors. Logic gates are TTL, transistor-transistor logic. The only electronic games that might not have it is a simple light on a simple circuit. I'm pretty sure Operation doesn't have any transistors, that's pretty simple stuff.

I see what youre asking and I cant think of any fun strategy games that you can build circuts in other than what you named.

logic gates are not transistors in the traditional sense. there are microchip packages or TTL that achieve the "logic gate" function with transistors. transistors are electronic switches and to put it very simply; when a wavelegnth or voltage is applied to one side the other side will produce a different wavelength or voltage. a logic gate is just that, it takes 2 inputs and produces 1 output either on or off, 1 or 0,

transistors are used everywhere in the electronics industry including microcontrollers and microporocessors. So itis safe to say that every game would have transistors in it.

The transistor takes on different forms in technology. So its safe to say. They all do.

It doesnt matter what game, google isnt helping, and im curious, possibly logic gates count as transistors, like little big planet and minecraft, but besides that there is no mention of digital ad/or electronic components in a game i can find