> My question is about mechanical parts of the car?

My question is about mechanical parts of the car?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Racing tests ALL components of a car. What seems to be reliable in normal service may not survive in a 24 hour race. That's why racing venues have pits and people who can make changes and repairs to the cars during the race.

Maybe you should do some research on what goes on in the pits during a 24 hour race like LeMans or Daytona.

i did a research but what our instructor is to categorize the different parts of the car

let it be said for once and all,

most unreliable part in a car is

"the nut behind the wheel".

Race it and find out!

learn to spell "brakes" and then come back and ask

For a 24 hour race. i need to know what mechanical parts in the car are reliable and what parts are wear and tear and what parts are Possible Failures .

I am not a mechanical so i need your help. is the break disk reliable or not for a 24 hour race, i have the list of some mechanical parts and i wish if you can correct me or add any better part if you know

for the reliable parts i put ( break disk , chassis , temperature gauge , axle, camshaft ) for tear and i wear i found tires and break pads only ) add any tear and wear part ) for the possiple faliure i put ( Gearbox , clutch , coolant and radiator )

thank you all very much