> My door's window cracked?!?

My door's window cracked?!?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
It must be replaced .It will never heal. See if a salvage yard has a used one and it's important to use either a tinted one or clear, if that's what the broken one was. Probably cost $30 for the window. If you can't put it in yourself, maybe the salvage guys will for a 6-pack or a sawbuck.

Well go buy a new window? If you have vehicle questions make model and year is critical must have info

My car window is broken Yeah. it is I guess? What help do you need ? How to replace it? Make model and year gets that info. Without it no one can answer the question Take it to a window repair shop More then likely your going to buy a new window they can't effectively repair a crack

Good luck


Check your local junk yards, you'll pay out the as. for a new one.

Call the nearest dealership or call the car company.

My door has a window in the middle of the door. My brother was playing darts and I guess he hit it on the window of the door and the whole window cracked. Idk what to do but we don't want to touch it. It's making sizzling sounds. Help me please!? Thank you in advance.