> My car battery leaking water and would not srart?

My car battery leaking water and would not srart?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
The thing is bad - CAREFULLY remove it from the car & put it on some out of the way cement. Then hose the entire front end, in the engine compartment & the outside of the car off. The battery acid will eat metal over time... Get a new battery & take the leaking one in in a non-rusting container, like a heavy plastic box.

New battery needed. When you remove the old battery be very careful as the liquid is sulphuric acid. Wash the battery compartment out with a strong solution of sodium bicarbonate (baking powder). If you fail to do this the spilled acid will eat through everything.

You need to replace your car battery soon. You should visit a service center nearby and replace your battery over there with a new one. Technician will help you for doing this.

Battery needs replaced.

Be careful; that water is probably an acid based product.

That's a statement with a question mark. If it were a question though the answer would be painfully obvious and bordering on troll status.

buy a new battery