> It is possible to make a Time Machine?

It is possible to make a Time Machine?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
I wonder if that can be easy as cleaning a car. If it is impossible to make a Time Machine, Then Time Machines only exist in TV

True time machines (and I don't mean clocks and watches) already exist in huge numbers. If you travel at speed, time for you slows down. So every time you take a jorney you return at a time slightly earlier than those who did not. The faster and longer you travel the more time you gain. So if you travel from NY to Sydney and back by air you will end up being a fraction of a second younger than those who stayed put. Or in other words, you're already in their future. Now that may well not be as much effect as you are hoping to see but there's no denying it's already there - in principle even if you only stroll down to the baker's and back again.

according to einsteins theory of relativity time is a variable quantity. the more fast you move more the slow would be the time and more slow you move more the fast would be the time. now imagine a rocket orbiting round the earth with a speed not exactly but nearly equal to the the speed of light and there are some persons inside that rocket. because of the very much great speed of the rocket as compared to the speed of the earth the time will pass very slowly inside the rocket as compared to the time that is passing on earth. scientists believe that with that speed of rocket when 1 week is passed on that rocket then at the same time 100 years would have been passed on earth. so if you are in that rocket and you come down back on earth after spending 1 week in that rocket you will found yourself in future. 1 week in rocket = 100 years on earth. scientists believe that with extreme technology in future we will be able to do this.

Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity proves that it is possible. However, modern technology and understanding of physics has not advanced to a point where time travel is achievable.

With modern technology it has never been achieved, however, all the mathematics have been worked out

They already have them don't they? Timex, Rolex, Bulova..they are all good time machines

I already did that next week.

of course not.

I wonder if that can be easy as cleaning a car. If it is impossible to make a Time Machine, Then Time Machines only exist in TV