> Is there a dimension beyond volume? Does it exist.?

Is there a dimension beyond volume? Does it exist.?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Length/width = meters

Area = length(width) = meters^2

Volume = length(width)(height) = meter^3

? = length(width)(height)(?) = meter^4

...or does it!?

Remember theory of relativity, imagine space which we visualize in all three dimensions , say conventional x axis , y axis ,and z axis: now you add one more dimension called time t . Any change in t brings changes in other 3 dimensions and thus 3 dimensions becomes relative to time. We allot volume in terms of 3 dimension as l^3. Electro magnetic waves propagates in all 3 directions and continue to change its wave propagation with respect to time , so it becomes 4 dimensional, being transient you can not express in four dimension

Imagine you are building a box. At time(tau) = 0, the six sides are laying in a stack on the floor. Then at tau = 1 (minute?), one of the sides is standing up, and at various points in Tau, the other sides are seen to join up, creating a 3 dimensional box at Tau = n. So if you could look at the whole 4 dimensional construct, you would see the box in all it's constructional detail.

in the physical world, there is only three dimensions, namely, x, y, z. however, in the physical time domain, a forth dimension is added called time, t, exists. that's what we see and visualize in the real world or movies.

however, in the mathematical world, namely linear algebra and matrices, any dimensions from one to nth dimension can exist but we can''t visualize it. we live in a three dimensional world plus time. recently, a Chinese mathematician, Yau sing tung, was able to draw a 5th dimension using topology similar to mobi's strip to explain the Einstein's 5th field theory and contributes in the visualization of the 11th dimensions of string theory.....any physical quantities is a dimension itself. the question is whether it is perpendicular to each other.

In microwaves there are 4 dimensions. These are the directions x, y and z, and time. As a wave propagates all of these change.

Well, they obviously do exist in theoterical physics and mathematics. All of the larger dimensions are called hypervolumes, and they are used in many fields of physics, even tho they do not 'exist' in the classical sense.

4th dimension is time

Length/width = meters

Area = length(width) = meters^2

Volume = length(width)(height) = meter^3

? = length(width)(height)(?) = meter^4

...or does it!?