> Is my car worth fixing?

Is my car worth fixing?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
At least find out what's wrong. Heck take the battery out and get that tested. If it's just flat, or dead, that's a simple fix. If a good battery wont start it, then work from there.

Sounds like a minor problem.

Of course older vehicles tend to get a LOT of "minor" problems, and will nickle and dime you to death. But at least find out what's wrong.

Worst case, it's worth several hundred as scrap metal, so that will pay for the tow and mechanics time, even if it's not worth fixing.

Get it towed and diagnosed. If you don't like the cost of fixing the shop will buy it from you and fix it. Jeeps sell easily.

you say its had its quirks thruout your ownership period id suggest stop throwing good money after bad use the money towards a different car theres many parts for the 4 wheel drive that'll need attention after sitting ,brakes, and whatever the problem was to make you stop driving it when you fix all that its still the jeep that wasnt perfect to start with im not a jeep hater just trying to give you an honest reasonable answer

First of all, get it looked at. The problem could be simple to fix. Once you've done that you can reassess whether or not its worth fixing.

Hey guys, so I have a 2001 Jeep Cherokee 4.0 liter v8. It has about 178,000 miles on it. I brought this when I was 17 so its about 4 to 5 years old. It always gave me problems here and there but for the most part it has run pretty strong. Recently about a month or 2 ago it stopped running and I've been working so much I haven't got a chance to get it towed to the car shop so its been sitting idle for the past month or so. I recently tried starting it up but it comes to find out my battery had died while it was sitting idle. My question is should I pay the money to get it towed,looked at, and possibly fixed? or just keep saving up for a newer car?