> Is my car broken? (clutch)?

Is my car broken? (clutch)?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
I agree it sounds like you need a new clutch. I don't know if you caused the problem or not - clutches wear out with age and use so it's just as possible that it's worn out past its service life as it is that you caused it to wear out prematurely.

I can tell you that revving the engine higher and higher with the clutch pedal only partially engaged as the car is at a stop is a sure way to fry a clutch in a very short time though. I understand that in some countries they teach their manual transmission drivers to hold the car with the handbrake on an uphill while taking off from a stop to prevent rolling backward, but if you don't time the release of that handbrake just right you end up slipping the clutch while the vehicle is being held stationary by the brake - that is very hard on the clutch and doing that with any regularity will greatly shorten the clutch's lifespan.

I find that it's best for clutch life to learn how to take off on an uphill without relying on the handbrake to keep you from rolling backward - just figure out how to quickly but properly release the clutch pedal while giving it the proper amount of throttle and you won't end up rolling backward OR accidentally slipping the clutch while the vehicle is being held back by the handbrake. That might not be how you were taught, but whoever was teaching you isn't the one paying to replace your clutch.

New clutch needed. It happens.

It sounds like your clutch disc is fried. If you keep driving it you're going to do more damage. The heat will start to cause cracks in the flywheel. They get bad enough you'll need a new one instead of just having it resurfaced.

Also forgot to add, the car stank of burning after all this had happened.

So I was on my way to frome and my sat nav took me up a tiny country lane which was ridiculously steep, at the top of the steep hill I had to turn left onto the main road which was national speed limit. I waited with the handbrake on and set the biting point and released the handbrake. The car immediately rolled backwards, after stalling and panicking because another car was up my **** I tried again. This time I gave the car a little more revs and lifted the clutch a bit more. Thus time the car was just slowly moving backwards so I lifted the clucht higher and then increased the revs a little. Now my car was moving a little bit forward, I took my foot off the clutch and gave it more revs. After a couple of second the revs were just going higher and higher and the speed wasn't increasing much. I changed gear and Tried to increase speed to get on with my journey, for the rest of the trip there my car was very sluggish and didn't really start accelerating well until speed was over 60mph. What have I done to my car? And advise welcome thanks